Galileo Church

We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow Jesus into a life of world-changing service.


1. We do justice for LGBTQ+ humans, and support the people who love them.

2. We do kindness for people with mental illness and in emotional distress, and celebrate neurodiversity.

3. We do beauty for our God-Who-Is-Beautiful.

4. We do real relationship, no bullshit, ever.

5. We do whatever it takes to share this good news with the world God still loves.

Trying to find us IRL?
Mail here: P.O. Box 668, Kennedale, TX 76060
Worship here: 5 pm CT Sundays; 5860 I-20 service road, Fort Worth 76119

Trying to find our Sunday worship livestream?
click here!

The Illogical Logic of God: 4/6

John the not-quite-Baptist, the future-Pharisees, the someday-Sadducees, and juvenile Jesus went to summer camp together. Did you know?

What they discovered there is that our common religious roots produce different religious results... 

This podcast features the voices of many Galileo folks answering three questions about their varied religious backgrounds. Enjoy.

The Illogical Logic of God 3/6

“In the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt, the God of parsecs and millennia is snuggled tightly to his mother’s breast and smuggled to safety, all so that the God of parsecs and millennia can whisper into the dreams of fleeing Syrians and Somalians and Central Americans, ‘Me, too.’”

Syrian refugees leaving Aleppo.

Syrian refugees leaving Aleppo.

The Illogical Logic of God 2/6

The conception and birth of Jesus in the gospel according to Matthew requires God to work in ways outside the social and religious norms of Joseph, Mary, and their fellow Judeans. Inevitably, the Messiah is not wanted by the way the logic of God works in the world; but we, like Joseph, are called to be transformed by God’s logic and move beyond religious norms of righteousness and into mercy. Thanks, Grasshopper Jay!

Exercises for the Spirit 3/6

On prayer, and the spiritual practice of getting lost. "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place!" Sometimes that's all you need: the recognition that God is here, too. Look around. Say hello.

Katie, Haiti. January 1988.

Katie, Haiti. January 1988.

1988, St. Louis du Nord, Haiti. Medical team and translators.

1988, St. Louis du Nord, Haiti. Medical team and translators.

Rivers swollen by typhoon flooding. 

Rivers swollen by typhoon flooding. 

Exercises for the Spirit 2/6

You are too tired to change the world. That's just the way Pharaoh likes it. Get some sleep! God likes God's people to be well-rested so we can repair the breach, restore the streets, ride on the heights of the earth! 

Sarah is too tired to change the world. 

Sarah is too tired to change the world. 

Hide-n-seek-n-find, 4/4

That's Jay, in the classy hat, on the right. Tarrant County Pride Parade 2016.

That's Jay, in the classy hat, on the right. Tarrant County Pride Parade 2016.

Jay the Intern, formerly known as Jay the Actuary, has some things to say about widows who press their claims... and who, in the end, sits down at Jesus’s table. Dang it, Jay!

Ryan's XPLOR Report

We sent Ryan Felber on a year-long fellowship with XPLOR -- a program that helps young adult discover their gifts, and listen for God's calling. And then he came back to us, ready to serve our church in ministry. Thanks be to God! 

Hide-n-seek-n-find, 2/4

"You cannot serve God and money."
You cannot serve God and race privilege.
You cannot serve God and class privilege.
You cannot serve God and cis-het privilege.
You cannot serve God and male privilege.
You cannot serve God and patriotism.

But what if, in the service of God, we could make any of those things serve us?

Hide-n-seek-n-find, 1/4

Take a look at those parables in the middle of Luke that aren't in the other gospels. They're strange and lovely. The Parables of Lost Things in Luke 15 are among our favorites, for good reason. What happened to that young man? Where is his mama?

What God Really Really Wants: 6/7

Habakkuk has writer's block -- no word from the Lord to share. And that's problematic, if you're a prophet. Or maybe just if you're a person who wishes God would hurry the f*** up and make things right. The help you need to hang in there while you wait on s-l-o-o-o-w God -- that's what we're here for.