Galileo Church

We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow Jesus into a life of world-changing service.


1. We do justice for LGBTQ+ humans, and support the people who love them.

2. We do kindness for people with mental illness and in emotional distress, and celebrate neurodiversity.

3. We do beauty for our God-Who-Is-Beautiful.

4. We do real relationship, no bullshit, ever.

5. We do whatever it takes to share this good news with the world God still loves.

Trying to find us IRL?
Mail here: P.O. Box 668, Kennedale, TX 76060
Worship here: 5 pm CT Sundays; 5860 I-20 service road, Fort Worth 76119

Trying to find our Sunday worship livestream?
click here!

Drum Roll, Please! (pa rum pa pum pum) 4/6

Contemplate Your Mortality. Jesus Did. Those who are born must die; this is the human experience. And those who must die, must suffer – “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” This gift of solidarity Jesus gives us is total, the complete experience of life as a human creature.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

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Drum Roll, Please! (pa rum pa pum pum) 3/6

The Rev. Shannon Moore joins us again! This time he is preaching from Matthew 25:31-46. What are we supposed to do with this damn sheep-and-goats story?

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

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Drum Roll, Please! (pa rum pa pum pum) 2/6

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Jesus With a Blowtorch? John the Baptist says Jesus will “gather the wheat, burn the chaff” – perhaps subconsciously making the point that wheat and chaff co-exist on the same plant, are part of the same organism; and as such the metaphor refers to the whole person, part wheat, part chaff – that’s me! What John doesn’t know (?) is that Jesus will accomplish this purification of persons with deeply human/e kindness, rather than scorching criticism and condemnation.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

We're Gonna Need More Forks: Jesus's Jesus’s Crowded Table in Stories from Luke 8/8


ATPSDKWL (that’s All Time Preaching Sub During Katie's Writing Leave, don’tcha know) Rev. Shannon Moore is back with us to give Katie a week off to write! This week he’s preaching from Luke 21:5-19 to wrap up the current series. But while “We’re Gonna Need More Forks” is ending, its heart will go on.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

We're Gonna Need More Forks: Jesus's Jesus’s Crowded Table in Stories from Luke 7/8


Look for the Widows. God has a peculiar preference for widows; Jesus is especially sympathetic to them. Who are they? How are they like us, not like us? 

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

We're Gonna Need More Forks: Jesus's Jesus’s Crowded Table in Stories from Luke 6/8

What is the Gospel According to Queer Eye, in the context of our economy? Well, just take a listen...

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.


We’re Gonna Need More Forks: Jesus’s Crowded Table in Stories from Luke 5/8


We loved Rev. Shannon Moore so much, we brought him back! This week we are wrestling with a story from Luke that can feel really, really icky. What Rev. Moore does with the passage is really fascinating, as is the following communion reflection from co-conspirator Eleanor Garrett-Grimsley. This one is gonna make you think.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

We’re Gonna Need More Forks: Jesus’s Crowded Table in Stories From Luke 3/8


Praying With Empty Hands. Like the widow who needs justice... Like the tax collector who pleads mercy... Like a child with nothing to offer. That’s how we pray. 

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

We’re Gonna Need More Forks: Jesus’s Crowded Table in Stories from Luke 2/8


This Religion Is Very Big. These two stories, back to back, are a study in contrast – Jesus healing with compassion, Jesus ranting about the end-of-days – can they both be the same guy? Can we appreciate “both” Jesuses? Is our mental-emotional-spiritual capacity big enough to hold it all? 

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Keep Off the Grass: Deuteronomy's Freedom-In-Covenant: 6/6


Spiritual commitment has material consequences. We sometimes talk of Christian faith as a spiritualized, internal, privatized experience. But for ancestors, as for us, discipleship has externalized, material consequences. Our resources come under the command of God’s imagined future, and we practice little instances of the cosmic reign of God in our open-handed sharing of the fruit of our labor. Ashley Dargai preaches this week!

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Keep Off the Grass: Deuteronomy's Freedom-In-Covenant: 5/6


Listen, and don’t forget. The quickest way to idolatry is forgetfulness, and the myths of self-reliance and self-service that we put in place of God’s work on our behalf. The community that remembers where it came from, and how it got to where it is now, is powerful indeed.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Keep Off the Grass: Deuteronomy's Freedom-In-Covenant: 4/6

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We tend to take more than our share. We are hunter-gatherers, always on the lookout for more resources, comforts, pleasures for ourselves. Our wants compete powerfully with what God wants, at least in our own hearts. What recommendations (commandments!?) does God have for keeping us in good stead with our neighbors? And how does Jesus extend the trajectory? And what does any of that mean for us? 

Outdoing Jesus (special guest speaker: Doug Pagitt)

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This week we have a very special guest speaker: Doug Pagitt, who just published a new book titled, “Outdoing Jesus: Seven Ways to Live Out the Promise of Greater Than.” In this episode, Doug speaks to us on what it might mean to outdo Jesus (John 14:12 gives us a good starting point), looking to the story of Jesus healing a Roman official’s son (as told in John 4:43-54) for inspiration.

Keep Off the Grass: Deuteronomy's Freedom-In-Covenant: 3/6

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Idolatry is the most basic threat to faith. Really the entire book of Deuteronomy is a repetitive stay against false gods, the treacherous allegiances we pledge to any other god but God. We’re less inclined than our ancestors to fashion idols out of clay, but equally inclined to bend our knee to powers and principalities that don’t have our best interest in mind. What are God’s recommendations (commandments!?) for preventing our disloyalty?

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Keep Off the Grass: Deuteronomy's Freedom-In-Covenant: 2/6


You can’t always get what you want. God is not a soft touch; and with God, there are consequences for our (individual? collective?) tendency to want what we want, rather than what God wants. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how nicely you ask, or how sure you are that you know what should happen next. Pardon the background roar, our AC was out, so we compensated (a little) with fans. Which make noise. Who knew?

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Keep Off the Grass: Deuteronomy's Freedom-In-Covenant: 1/6


Justice is God’s idea. The question of whether the church should leave “politics” alone is in dispute. We don’t live in a theocracy, thanks be to God; but doesn’t our faith speak to our ideals of justice, freedom, individual responsibility, and the communal good?

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Eating and Drinking Together as a Sign of God’s Reign

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From guest preacher Laura Jean Allen: The prophets foresaw it, and Jesus embodied it – sitting at table with one another points toward God’s dreamed-of future for all people. At Galileo Church we’re setting lots of tables and sharing lots of meals, as a testimony that it gets even better in God’s good future.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.